Ronald Gangnon
Ronald Gangnon
Diane Krueger
Reproducibility of jumping mechanography and traditional measures of physical and muscle function in older adults
Does the precision of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry for bone mineral density differ by sex?
Positioner and clothing artifact can affect one-third radius bone mineral density measurement
Evaluation of ergocalciferol or cholecalciferol dosing, 1,600 IU daily or 50,000 IU monthly in older adults
Lateral vertebral assessment: a valuable technique to detect clinically significant vertebral fractures
Recalculation of the NHANES database SD improves T-score agreement and reduces osteoporosis prevalence
Use of the lowest vertebral body T-score to diagnose lumbar osteoporosis in men: is "cherry picking" appropriate?
Are Wisconsin physicians knowledgeable about male osteoporosis?